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Node js Web Development Fourth Edition

The dependencies section of your package.json will now appear at the end of the package.json file and will include Express. Node can be run on Windows, macOS, many flavors of Linux, Docker, etc. Almost any personal computer should have the necessary performance to run Node during development.

The Node.js will eventually fire an event that causes this callback function to be called with the result or error indication. All three of these code snippets perform the same query written earlier. The difference is that the query does not block the execution thread, because control passes back to the event loop. By returning almost immediately to the event loop, it is free to service other requests.

Developers trained in frontend JavaScript can start programming the server side with minimum effort. With the same language on both sides, you can reuse code on the frontend and the backend by wrapping it into modules and creating new levels of abstraction. Node.js is a runtime environment, a software infrastructure that executes code and communicates with an operating system. Node.js is based on the V8 engine designed to execute code in Chrome. Node.js runs JavaScript code on the server side using just-in-time compilation.

node.js web development

Thus, it leads to overall delayed processing affecting the single-threaded event loop. Developers often need to carry out complex actions to add features to an existing app. With Node JS, scaling the application horizontally or vertically becomes relatively easy. Node JS developers can do this by adding nodes to the available system. Not only this, the platform creates the opportunity to add more resources to each node for vertical scaling. Easy sharing of the NPM is the primary reason why many web development companies consider Node.js over other frameworks.

Data Analytics

So, let’s mention the most common complaints voiced by the professional community. While React is a top tool with 32.3 percent of respondents choosing to learn it, Node.js frameworks — Express and Meteor — account for 21.8 percent of prospective learners. These figures demonstrate that Node.js is today’s golden standard for web development. Companies hiring Node.js developers aren’t likely to suffer the shortage of available professionals, while engineers are sure to solve any problem imaginable with a vibrant and thriving community. Another bright example of how Node.js can outperform the competition in terms of performance is the case of GoDaddy. Running the SuperBowl ad campaign, the company was able to handle 10,000 requests per second without downtime, using only 10 percent of the hardware thanks to Node.js.

Npm is used to fetch any packages that an application needs for development, testing, and/or production, and may also be used to run tests and tools used in the development process. Npm can also be used to install the Express Application Generator, a handy tool for creating skeleton Express web apps that follow the MVC pattern. The application generator is optional because you don’t need to use this tool to create apps that use Express, or construct Express apps that have the same architectural layout or dependencies. We’ll be using it though, because it makes getting started a lot easier, and promotes a modular application structure.

node.js web development

In this case, the server is able to handle multiple Fibonacci number requests. But there is still a performance issue because of the inefficient algorithm. A key to maintaining high throughput of Node.js applications is by ensuring that events are handled quickly. All three of these code snippets perform the same query that we wrote earlier.

Install Long-Term Support and the latest versions of Node.js for Windows and MacOS here. Also, a reminder – npm is distributed with Node.js out-of-the-box. For more JavaScript ecosystem tools used with Node.js, see the dedicated article.

Performance and utilization

More than 77 percent of the web is powered by PHP with projects like Facebook, Baidu, or any other website running on WordPress. While Symfony is just one of PHP frameworks on the market, it’s impressively stable, scalable, and works well for large-scale projects. It also uses a templating engine Twig that works like many PHP-based Content Management Systems. With such a vast variety of free tools accessible in a few clicks, there is a huge potential for the use of Node.js. At the same time, open source software enjoys growing popularity as it allows you to build new solutions reducing the overall costs of development and time to market. As an open-source project, Node.js was sponsored by Joyent, a cloud computing and hosting solutions provider.

Of the many available web-application development platforms, why should you choose Node.js? There are many stacks to choose from; what is it about Node.js that makes it rise above the others? By contrast, a Node.js programmer does implement an HTTP server, to which their application code is attached. This creates a new folder called myExpressApp with the contents of your application.

Typically we instead manage dependencies using a plain-text definition file named package.json. The package.json file should contain everything npm needs to fetch and run your application . Next to Node itself, npm is the most important tool for working with Node applications.

⊕ Seamless JSON support

ESLint, JSLint, and JSHint are some of the most popular code linters used for JavaScript. The prime objective is to enhance the quality of the code and make it easy to read. Most code setup workflows utilize code formatter and linter to improve the quality and enhance the readability of the code. A code linter gives you insight into incorrect code syntax, whereas a code formatter is a style guideline for formatting code.

So, instead of waiting for the function to complete after fetching the data, Node.js will run the next requests, while processing the I/O ones in the background. As the most popular programming language, JavaScript is also one of the most universal software development technologies. The original Node.js paradigm delivered the dispatched event to an anonymous function. Now that JavaScript has async functions, the Node.js paradigm is shifting to deliver results and errors via a promise that is handled by the await keyword. When an asynchronous function is called, control quickly passes to the event loop rather than causing Node.js to block.

Finally, you’ll discover how to harden Node.js app security, use Let’s Encrypt to provision the HTTPS service, and implement several forms of app security with the help of expert practices. With each chapter, the book will help you put your knowledge into practice throughout the entire life cycle of developing a web app. By the end of this Node.js book, you’ll have gained practical Node.js web development knowledge and be able to build and deploy your own apps on a public web hosting solution. Of course, the program pauses at this point while the database layer sends the query to the database and waits for the result or the error. This pause is bad because the execution thread can do nothing while it waits for the result to arrive.

The event loop continues handling the variety of events while recording where to send each result or error. Over time, in-browser JavaScript engines became incredibly powerful, letting us write ever-more-complex browser-side applications. With Node.js, we are finally able to implement applications with the same programming language on the client and server by having JavaScript at both ends of the web, in the browser and server.


Its data migration functionality is especially impressive – unlike Node.js, which uses additional packages, Rails already has a feature allowing you to easily and consistently manipulate your database. Accordingly, breaking the application logic into smaller modules, microservices, instead of creating a single, large monolithic core, enables better flexibility and lays the groundwork for further growth. As a result, it is much easier to add more microservices on top of the existing ones than to integrate additional features with the basic app functionality. Non-blocking Input/Output and asynchronous request handling made Node.js capable of processing concurrent requests even though JS is a single-threaded language.

So, for a beginner developing a web application in Node.js would become a hectic task. This framework enables developers to finish and test all parts of a web application relatively easily. Many PWA development agencies find this framework quite useful since it helps accelerate the final deployment of web applications. SEO plays an integral role in web app development, and no IT firms would miss out on SEO opportunities. That happens so that search engines can effectively optimize the React Projects.

  • Out of what’s called Callback Hell, or the situation we find ourselves in when nesting callbacks within callbacks.
  • Node.js for web development is a revolutionary technology that offers unique features.
  • Even more interesting, you can get full IntelliSense against the Node.js framework.
  • A lot is buried under the covers of the async/await feature, and we’ll be covering this model extensively throughout the book.
  • Besides, this will enable you to organize classes and methods into separate containers.

Writing the server-side applications in JavaScript gives Node JS developers the chance to use the same language on the front-end and back-end, giving it the status of full-stack. Due to this, they don’t need to use an additional server-side programming language. Also, it means that there is no need to hire a different developer for the front-end and back-end. Developing a good product requires strong backing by technologies. In addition to its use in front-end development, JavaScript’s undefeated status as a leading client-side programming language has led to its evolution to become a powerful cross-platform app development tool.

Context switching is not free because more threads require more memory per thread state and more time for the CPU to spend on thread management overheads. Of course, the program pauses at that point while the database layer sends the query to the database, which determines the result and returns the data. Depending on the query, that pause can be quite long; well, a few milliseconds, which is an eon in computer time. This pause is bad because that execution thread can do nothing while waiting for the result to arrive. If instead, your application is running on a thread-based server platform, a thread context switch is required to satisfy any other requests that arrive.

But we also learned that inefficient algorithms can erase any performance benefits. With both the callback functions and the promise’s asynchronous coding, Node.js had its own complexity issue. With callback functions, that meant deeply nested callback functions, and with promises, that meant a long chain of .then handler functions. In addition to the complexity of the coding, we have errors and results landing in unnatural places. Instead of landing on the next line of code, the asynchronously executed callback function is invoked. The order of execution is not one line after another, as it is in synchronous programming languages; instead, the order of execution is determined by the order of the callback function execution.

Node.js, the microservice architecture, and easily testable systems

The greater the number of outstanding connections to the server, the greater the number of thread context switches. Context switching is not free because more threads require more memory per thread state and more time for the CPU to spend on thread management overhead. For developing command-line tools used in software development, or communicating with service infrastructure. Grunt and Gulp are widely used by frontend developers to build assets for websites. Babel is widely used for transpiling modern ES-2016 code to run on older browsers. Popular CSS optimizers and processors, such as PostCSS, are written in Node.js.

Express is run in a Node environment, and hence can run on any platform that runs Node. For this walkthrough, you can use either an external terminal or the VS Code integrated terminal for running the command-line tools. VS Code has an integrated terminal which you can use to run shell commands. You http://vostokpeople.ru/category/tokio/page/8 can run Node.js directly from there and avoid switching out of VS Code while running command-line tools. Reading is going on and definitely it’s very helpful for anyone who want to learn server side of JS. Deployments; however, its features are well attuned to modern application deployment needs.

One of the points Ryan Dahl made in the Cinco de Node presentation is a hierarchy of execution time for different requests. The JavaScript language is very popular because of its ubiquity in web browsers. It compares favorably with other languages while having many modern, advanced language concepts. Other frameworks provide OAuth 2 support or focus on REST APIs, and so on. This allows Node.js to handle thousands of concurrent connections with a single server without introducing the burden of managing thread concurrency, which could be a significant source of bugs. With the following software and hardware list you can run all code files present in the book (Chapter 1-14).


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